Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Turning Point

 -WHO's WHO- I am the father of the lists once on my Blogs. Many of them famous people



-MARINE PARADE- where I was when I repeated Bop Bup Bup. IMPREGNATED

-once I had said that I crossed the Road to go back to the Bus Stop. There was a couple looking like Lois Lane / Erica Durance. Maybe representing me having affairs with women. With a tall Indian man. Maybe looking like comics drawn Bruce Wayne. Maybe representing me the Anti-Christ 'the King of Terror'

-across the water from Marine Parade was an island that looked like a flat Moomin character lying on his stomach. Like I thought making a large paper stuffed one in Class, then my grandmother making a large material one instead, but I got rid of it. Maybe the stuffed large toy caused the affairs

Monday, October 7, 2024

21 Jump Street

-at the end of 1990 the year I turned 22. I was lying in bed in the dark. A figure of a man came through my bedroom wall. Maybe somehow right against my bed. He had a silent black electric chainsaw. I ran and turned on the light but he was gone







-and like the CHAINSAW a man like DANIEL COSGROVE

-the local 'IT' man like SUPERMAN was the lover / and father with David's wives

-the full man's SKELETON I SAW LYING in a DITCH in PADDOCKS when young

-like I was LYING in BED



Sunday, October 6, 2024


 -elements I want removed

-any partner I currently have or get. Any husband, wife or like real partner. Any I have now or any I ever get. Their real minds gone. So they only act and look like they are real

-any of these except me. They don't come back or if they do they aren't really thinking. And ideally don't get any special powers- Anti-Christ, False Prophet, Second Beast, Destroyer, Gog and Magog, Batman, Mike Ratna Batman, and Revelations Messiah too if I can

-the truth to as much of the Bible as I can. Leaving me and the Garden of Eden and my miracles real

-Apes Island, Oz, 100 Acre Woods, Atlantis / JLA, Swamp Thing, E.T., the Smurfs, Paradise Island

-father Ian as a super hero ideally ever, Daniel as a super hero, pregnancy or ability in me, me becoming like Darth Vader, Zak and Danny Boy as super-heroes. The pets as super-heroes

-productions not to return-

-Mills Reef Winery, Anthony Hay, the Smurfs, Beaches BOP Polytechnics, BOP Polytechnic Archie, Beaches James Cook Street, James Cook Street, productions with my grandparents in long ago, Otumoetai College 1987 Grease, my mother Christine Grease, Tauranga Boys College, Tauranga Intermediate, Tauranga Hospital, Daniel super hero, Ian super hero, Otumoetai College Senior Year in 1982, Oz, Archie and my wife, any channels the False Prophet or Second Beast try to set up with me in, Otumoetai Primary, local Simpsons, Stewart Island, Devon Mall / Days of our Lives, local grown up Archie, Te Mata Primary School, Batman

David the Shepherd to David the King

-at the end of 1990 the year I turned 22. I was lying in bed in the dark. A figure of a man came through my bedroom wall. Maybe somehow right against my bed. He had a silent black electric chainsaw. I ran and turned on the light but he was gone

-I might have gone from the personality of David the Shepherd to David the King

-the two part New Teen Titans story RUNAWAYS. Like the black figure of the man came through my wall

-the former client Michael told to leave because he wasn't unwell

-electric CHAIN saw


-because I got involved with threats of being made / CUT a female. He was on the Bus at Tauranga Girls College. And lead on thinking I might get CHAIN stores. I might have been corrupted

-like the New Teen Titans were by Deathstroke the Terminator and Terra

-the CHAIN saw like David's SLING when he was a Shepherd

-and when he had done that he changed. And I am now maybe what he was like once he became King 

-the CHAIN like a CROWN around David's head

-DAVID as in the electric chainsaw and DIVIDE

Friday, October 4, 2024


-my mother's parents

-May and George Ager. Maybe only May Ager

-they died not proper Christians. I tried in recent years to put each of them for a long time in separate copies of my home as like an afterlife

-I tried using about 1987. My mother Christine might have been staying with us at Christmas

-I got some money. I biked to the next town to try to buy some videos

-there was a large Rental video shop. It had a wall of new videos for sale in large cases

-which was strange anywhere for about 1987

-I bought two robot themed ones. Short Circuit and Terminator

-in recent years I tried to use those at that point in 1987 to take my real grandparents and put them in the copies of my home

-and where they were are only life like robots without real thought

-one robot video each

-and later I made the idea that might not have worked. To steer their lives so they didn't have many friends or a lot to do. But it kept them free of someone saying etc something to them that would set them back

-and to me the real thing I gave them. With my miracles aimed for one day all over space. Maybe not on Earth any more but over space they are about the most loved people

-with my thoughts or what I have seen on a wall in each created store or home to explain things

-I came up with a better solution for them

-the day the mystical ideas began and the day closest to real voices in my mind. About September 1995

-I was living in a second story Retirement Apartment with my grandmother. My grandfather had died

-there was a tall bank facing my room with vegetation over it

-I thought I might have seen like an electrical short circuit on the bank

-so today I tried to use that short circuit to completely destroy both of them today Saturday 4th of May. And that ends them today

-no more of either of them not even in an afterlife

-the day late 1995 the 'voices' began and the mystical thinking began. I had been to the SALVATION ARMY. My SCORINGE SAVINGS secured by SCORPION sores

-when I got home that day I was in the upstairs apartment of my grandmother's. I thought I might have seen a SHORT CIRCUIT in the leafy bank facing my room. I used that to completely destroy my grandmother and grandfather. Like Terminator ARMY. And give SALVATION to my mother Christine SCORINGE. It looks like she might have had 666 on her. Like the money she left me gave me Salvation. Twice. And that day I completely destroyed Paul Longley. Really that day set up decades later using the SPECTRE idea. All of them might have gone to really bad places forever when they died. But I tried to use the point of the 'short circuit' to kill and end them that day about November 1995

-I am growing more attached to my mother and grandparents

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Maxwell Drive

-about 1980 I saw an old slide of me standing fully naked. Showing me in full. Aged about 1 or 2. Maybe in my grandparents' garden at MAXWELL Drive




-MAX / HOT Stuff MUSCLE Supplement

-MAXWELL / Captain MARVEL style powers

-MAXWELL / they are MAX REAL powers

-MAX WELL / 666 MAX Temperature

-MAX WELL / maybe I go around  history in a MAX WHEEL



-MAXWELL DRIVE / in REVISED MAN of STEEL. MATT has no RELATIVES. Like in the new version of Superman in comics in 1986 he is the sole surviving person from Krypton. The slide of me aged about 2 standing naked in the MAXWELL Drive garden. At the start of Superman the Movie the 3 year old Superman is shown in full naked standing in a SMALLVILLE field

Monday, September 30, 2024

The Heroic Age

 -a dream I had in the early 1990s

-there was a teenage boy. Wearing an orange armor. Bulky. With black lines going down it

-me wearing an armor. His and my head without it

-maybe what Revelations says 'the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an IRON ROD'

-maybe too I have large muscles. The slightly bulky armor

-the black lines spaced going down the armor. The magazine photo I imagined of 'MARKY MARK' (666) Wahlberg with fictional leg hairs. Long, black and far spaced

-there were the heads of two women in the dream

-maybe or maybe not then Government Agents in the dream

-they looked like about 1980 DC Comics drawn Lois Lane and Lana Lang

-maybe meaning I never have a wife, husband or any real sort of partner

-like they were either Superboy or Superman's girlfriends

-one was wearing a shoulder length white wig

-one or both were smoking

-the massive volcano me / and maybe 'Days of our Lives'

-are planning to go up under maybe the Americas

-maybe burning and disfiguring / the cigarette and white wig

-the cigarette like a volcano

-all except those in the bottom of the Americas in Argentina and the Falkland Islands

-my plan to send out the Days of our Lives channel 

-and send out my lists of miracles I have been working on since November 2020

-in the dream came the title The Heroic Age

Turning Point

 -WHO's WHO- I am the father of the lists once on my Blogs. Many of them famous people -BOP BUP BUP- I BUM BUM BUM people -OVERSIZED POR...