-a dream I had in the early 1990s
-there was a teenage boy. Wearing an orange armor. Bulky. With black lines going down it
-me wearing an armor. His and my head without it
-maybe what Revelations says 'the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an IRON ROD'
-maybe too I have large muscles. The slightly bulky armor
-the black lines spaced going down the armor. The magazine photo I imagined of 'MARKY MARK' (666) Wahlberg with fictional leg hairs. Long, black and far spaced
-there were the heads of two women in the dream
-maybe or maybe not then Government Agents in the dream
-they looked like about 1980 DC Comics drawn Lois Lane and Lana Lang
-maybe meaning I never have a wife, husband or any real sort of partner
-like they were either Superboy or Superman's girlfriends
-one was wearing a shoulder length white wig
-one or both were smoking
-the massive volcano me / and maybe 'Days of our Lives'
-are planning to go up under maybe the Americas
-maybe burning and disfiguring / the cigarette and white wig
-the cigarette like a volcano
-all except those in the bottom of the Americas in Argentina and the Falkland Islands
-my plan to send out the Days of our Lives channel
-and send out my lists of miracles I have been working on since November 2020
-in the dream came the title The Heroic Age