-at the end of 1990 I was lying in bed in the dark. And out of the wall against my bed came an all black figure of a man carrying some kind of silent electric chainsaw. I ran and turned on the light but he was gone
-showing me
-BLACK figure with electric chain SAW. Like the way Jenette Kahn was dressed when she faced me in a supermarket. There is no Mills Reef WINERY soap opera or real threat to me from her
-BLACK figure with chain SAW. I don't wind up the Black Witch of Oz (Tip)
-CHAINSAW there is no threat from KRYPTON like the star shaped light in my bedroom. And Daniel 'COSGROVE' never becomes Superman
-REVOLVING chains there are no real other REVELATIONS characters
-REVOLVING no one REVOLVES my life in to tragedy after. Tragedy like Wonder Girl. Her Golden Lasso like an electric chainsaw
-the POINTS of the CHAIN saw. I never get pregnant from maybe sex with the man looking like Jughead Jones CROWN shaped hat
-the CHAINS I never have any RINGS
-CHAINS I get out of CHAINS by Jenette KAHN
-CHAINSAW those involved in TRANSFER get SCORPION like SORES
-CHAIN there is no valid contract from DANIEL COSGROVE
-REVOLVING CHAINSAW the hourglass passing sands. And the Windsor High Otumoetai College emblem. With curving strips. Are the only two productions ever created on me SAW. No ever CHANNELS SAW
-CHAINSAW I still have my ability DAMNATION to cause anyone's life to always be terrible. And go to maximum pain forever
-ELECTRIC CHAINSAW there is no threat from me dropping the button ring made from a black button left in my drawer with a pair of reflecting grooves on it. I dropped it down a water DRAIN by the miracle providing garden and saw a row CHAIN electric blue dashes
-the BLACK figure and black electric CHAIN SAW. There is no threat 'Star Wars' etc
-MARKY MARK / STAR WARS. And the long black hairs each like a Light Sabre. There is no Star Wars idea
-up on a stage. With LONG LARGE SPACED leg hairs. There is no truth to someone getting a Record Deal. eg; a massive amount of singles on each record. And the records never end
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